About Infolinks

Innovative Technology

Infolinks is the only In-Text Advertising network combining real-time bidding with real-time full text analysis.
Our advanced algorithms therefore show your readers the most relevant ads depending on what they’re reading at any given moment. Our technology is also uniquely efficient, lowering overhead and allowing us to pay higher revenue share. The result is the highest CTR (click through rate) in the industry, and the highest revenue share per click.
Translated -  More clicks and more revenue for you. This is how we do it:

Our real-time bidding maximizes advertisement relevance at any moment and delivers a smooth experience on your website.
  • Our fully automated live matching occurs as the reader hovers over a word, ensuring that live text changes, advertisement availability and publisher preferences are reflected in all advertising placements.
  • Our dynamic ad placement system loads advertisements as the reader hovers, maximizing page load efficiency for your website and creating a seamless experience for your readers.

Our real-time full textual analysis matches the most contextually relevant ads, delivering the industry’s highest CTR. 
  • Full text analysis ensures that ads on your site are relevant to what your visitors are reading. Keyword “Hunger” in one article may prompt an advertisement for McDonalds, and an ad for a 3rd world charity in another context.
  • Fully automated text analysis ensures that dynamic text changes are reflected in advertisement matches. When you edit your site content, our system automatically factors these changes and may select alternative key words and advertisements to best match reader interests. 
  • Proprietary algorithms select the most effective keywords to drive action – that is, to click on an ad right now.

This winning combination of real-time bidding and real-time full textual analysis ensures that the most relevant ads are presented to your readers at the right time. Add to this our highly efficient technology enabling us to pay higher revenue share, and our publishers simply earn more revenue, on more clicks with Infolinks.

Join us today and start turning your content into money!

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